HUF Magazine
Instagram: @hufmagazine
Photographer: Dylan Perlot
Instagram: @dylanperlot
Model: Julia Lee
Instagram: @itsjulialee
Stylist: Madison Dixon
Instagram: @madisondixonstylist
Makeup and hair: Britten Faith
Instagram: @brittenfaithmakeup
Assistant photographer: Carlos Asse
Instagram: @carlos.asse
Bikini top: H&M
Instagram: @hm
Crop top and Skirt: Paradise Ranch Designs
Instagram: @paradiseranchdesigns
Showroon: Art Haus Agency
Instagram: @arthausagency
Suede jog pants: Single Dress
Instagram: @single_dress
Tennis shoes: Converse
Instagram: @converse
Stand Out Bracelet , Steel Lace Narrow and Wide Bracelets , Dapper Steel Bracelet , Steel Lace choker , Lazuli Blue Solitaire Pendant Necklace: Cecilia’s STEEL
Instagram: @ceciliassteelofficial